Sunday, July 06, 2014

Happy Birthday Week

DISCLAIMER: I will try my best not to sound too mushy.

Apart from the months with yuletide holidays, June has always been my favorite month. This is the month where I initially graced this world with my innocent presence 25 years ago. I know. It does not look like I had just turned 25, right? RIGHT! Seriously, I cannot say enough 'thank you' to those amazing people who contributed a part during the course of my existence. Every coming year, trials come in unique packages but blessings never fail to overflow and this made me even to become more thankful. As a form of thanksgiving, I see to it that I throw a simple celebration for my loved ones every year on my birthday.

This year became a memorable one, because there were no plans at all. One thing I wished for this year is not to be reminded of my birthday. 

A lot of factors came in that made me to decide not to push for a birthday plan this year. Travels and events were planned "strategically" this year (even until early next year) and this shifted my financial gears and focused my daily mantra to save and attempt to spend rationally (I am honestly  cringing while saying this, LOL). Despite the absence of plans, the universe decided to allow my birthday to be a memorable one... and this happened over a week.

For a take-off for my "birthday week", I was granted an overnight stay at EDSA Shangri-La. It was a jump-off-the-cliff kind of excitement since I've been wanting to have a nice weekend #staycation after months of toxicity from work. I have been to Makati and Boracay Shangri-la, but I have never been to their property in EDSA. Luckily, we were greeted with a bright weather upon checking in. I was already planning my itinerary for that day. I decided to have a good workout at their fitness center. It was a Sunday and there were no other guests so the whole place was practically mine! After working out, I went back to my room and took a nice shower, and decided to wear a double denim. I realized that choosing this style is a make-or-break risk. Mismatching one with the other will make you look redundant.

Faded blue shorts from Topman and Black denim polo from Oxygen

You can also try:

  • Match black, or dark blue denim jeans with a faded blue denim top or jacket
  • Match any wash of blue or black denim jeans with a white denim jacket
  • Match white jeans with a blue or black denim top or jacket

That weekend has passed and the usual day in the office came until the day of my birthday. Greetings rushed all over my social media accounts on that day and I had to disable my phone notifications since it was already sinking to my emotion that I will be doing nothing special that day. It is with sad heart to admit that the day will pass unremarkably. However, a good save from the management team in our office by handing me a chocolate cake from Mary Grace.

Evening came and I was itching to leave the office to rush myself home and lock inside my room (define birthday blues, LOL). Again, another good save from a bestfriend when he invited me for a dinner at my favorite steak place in Cubao, Big Daddy Jay's.

The dinner was a bait. It was all a set-up.

After dinner, I was being led to believe that we have to pass by at my high-school bestfriend's house to pick up a present. For some unfortunate but good reasons, my instincts failed to foresee a surprise celebration ahead. This was led by my 2 bestfriends, St. Jo (Highschool), and UE (College) batchmates. The invite for  a steak dinner was to kill time for their preparation. Thank you guys for being THIS amazing! Now I am feeling the mushiness...huh!

Saturday of that birthday week was again filled with two celebrations - a wedding of a good friend from my previous work and another after-event small party #staycation at the New World Hotel Makati. I got a chance to have my own room in the hotel and prepared for another weekend stay. Other than the wedding, I did not think of anything that day but to rest and start to imagine their breakfast buffet the following day. After attending the wedding at Mandarin Oriental, me and my former colleagues from my previous work went back to New World and had a small celebration. 

My birthday week ended on a Sunday. There is no other good celebration than spending it with people whom I love the most -- my family. It was a fun-filled family day for us as we celebrated it at Wang Fu in Tomas Morato with their dimsum overload!

I can come up with a number of reasons to be miserable at that week, but I have two handfuls at hand to be happy. I will always be thankful for all the blessings that I have been and will still be receiving. A lot of amazing people has contributed a lot to make my life an awesome one. I will be forever grateful to those who became and also to those who will be a part of my life. These people are already a proof of wonderful things from our Creator above. Again, thank you all!

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